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"1World 1 Tribe is not just my story, but the combined stories of a group of like-minded, caring individuals from different backgrounds who all share the same passion for using the skills and resources they have, no matter how large or small, to give back to the world and help those most in need.  These are individuals who care more than some may think is wise, give more than some may think is sensible, dream more than some may think is practical, and expect more than some may think is possible.   We have a strong belief that it is our personal responsibility to care for those around us, no matter what part of the world they may come from, or what their ethnicity, social background, skin color, blood ties, culture or religion may be.  This is our world community, clan, family and Tribe."  Dr. Maureen Valley, founder

1World 1Tribe is a small charitable trust whose mission is to take direct personal action to provide critically needed assistance and resources to some of the poorest communities in the developing world.  Dr. Maureen Valley has a history of traveling to  developing countries to provide outreach, education and health services to those in need.  Over the years, she has met many dedicated individuals, including Mr. Samson Saigilu, a Public Health Officer for the Ministry of Health in Kenya, Alba and Joey Deschenes, founders of Camp No Name in Albania, the Chu family from Burma, and Dr. Richard Schmotter, an experienced humanitarian dentist.  As close friends with a common passion, they want to make a difference in their global communities with direct and personal involvement. 
1World 1Tribe seeks to start and run projects in collaboration with the local community members that have measurable benefits and which are sustainable.  1World 1Tribe has selected a few countries to concentrate their efforts, Albania, Burma and Kenya.  There, we have established relations with the local leaders and communities, and aim to grow deep roots with impactful changes.  We involve and solicit the opinions of the people we work with and the beneficiaries of their services as much as possible in order to assist them with their defined needs.
The charity does not use donations for our own operating overhead.  Rather, 100% of all donations go directly toward fulfilling each project's objective.  We greatly appreciate your support as we continue to develop our charitable footprint.  For more information, please email us at info@1world1tribe.  Thank you very much!
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